Monday, August 24, 2009

And Juice Too

Good afternoon my friends,
It's day #47 of drinking ONLY pure water and eating ONLY sweet, juicy, fruit.

Yep, yesterday the cold-like symptoms of detox raged
so yes, I drank 8 oz of sun-water every hour
but I also drank 8 oz of fresh squeezed orange juice
every hour, as well.

The two really helped.
I woke up feeling much better this morning
and was able to go to the park
for lower body - physical therapy.

I was inspired to drink the orange juice
after reading Anne Osborne's "Orange Juice Diaries"
I invite you to read it as well.

I can be reached at:

Om Mani Padme Hum,
Lama Jigme Gyatso: Rime Manipa Tantrika
