Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Solar Water?

Good afternoon my friends,
It's day #48 of drinking ONLY pure water and eating ONLY sweet, juicy, fruit.

Yesterday I mentioned drinking Sun water.

What's that?

First find one or two glass vessels,
preferably a gallon in size with a glass lid.
I found two, reasonably priced at my local Target.

Then both the jars in direct sunlight
and fill them with the purest water you can find.

Although I do not consume more than on gallon per day,
I solar-charge two gallons.
That way every gallon I drink from
has been charged for two days!

Do I believe this improves the water?
Well, controversial Lama Jigme doesn't really
believe in belief.

But I like the idea
and see no harm
in playing with it...
how about you?

I can be reached at:

Om Mani Padme Hum,
Lama Jigme Gyatso: Rime Manipa Tantrika
