Sunday, September 6, 2009

Turning a Corner

Good morning my friends,
It's day #60 of drinking ONLY pure water and eating ONLY sweet, juicy, fruit.

Turning a Corner!

I suspect I may have turned a corner in this,
my fruitarian adventure.

Last night, while strolling through the
charming quarter of down town La Mesa,
as I walked by a Mexican restaurant
I notice how good the tortilla chips smelled.

Later, when walking by a bistro
I was aware of how good the steak smelled.
And yet I was NOT filled with a crazed desire
to fill my belly with those things.

That tells me that these 60 consecutive days
of 100% fruitarianism have been healing my habitual cravings
for foods that we just are not designed to thrive on.

This morning was the first time in weeks
I had the strength to practice my
upper body physical therapy.

I suspect that the worst of the detox is over.
If I could simply get:
-adequate sleep,
-enough sunshine and
-plenty of fresh air
it could be smooth sailing.

Yesterday I ate:

08 - 1st cup of Water

09 - 2nd cup of Water

10 - 5 Bananas and 3 Oranges

01 - 1 Cantaloupe

03 - 3rd cup of Water

04 - 4th cup of Water

05 - 3 Bananas and many Grapes

07 - 5th cup of Water

09 - 6th cup of Water

10 - many Grapes

I can be reached at:

Om Mani Padme Hum,
Lama Jigme Gyatso: Rime Manipa Tantrika
