Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Messages on Water

Good afternoon my friends,
It's day #54 of drinking ONLY pure water and eating ONLY sweet, juicy, fruit.

In the delightful movie
"What the Bleep do we Know?"
The idea of affixing life affirming messages
to vessels of water was explored.

So, on the side of each of my
glass water vessels that sit on magnets
and hole Prill filled water
in direct sunshine
I affixed a label that reads:

"Om Mani Padme Hum
May all beings benefit!

Yesterday I ate:

8am Cantaloupe and
8 oz water

10am 5 Bananas, 1 Nectarine and some Grapes &

11am 8 oz water

2pm 5 Bananas and 3 Oranges, & 8 oz water

3pm 8 oz water

6pm 5 Bananas & 8 oz water

7pm 8 oz water

9pm 5 Bananas, 1 Orange & 8 oz water

I can be reached at:

Om Mani Padme Hum,
Lama Jigme Gyatso: Rime Manipa Tantrika
