Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Good morning my friends,
It's day #27 of drinking ONLY pure water and eating ONLY sweet, juicy, fruit.

Today, in Dr. Johanna Brandt's "How to Conquer Cancer, Naturally," I read:

"I am thinking of a woman with cancer of the breast.
One breast amputated,
the other heavy with suppuration,
ready to be removed.

More appalling still,
pus forming again
in the scarred remains of the tissues
on which the operation had been performed -

these ominous signs
striking a chill to the heart.
Then the transformation!
A few weeks later during the Grape Cure
there was a distinct softening of the swollen breast.

NO longer over spread by
that ugly-looking, dark read hue,
it showed a tinge of healthy pink
here and there.

The wounds on the other side
were under-going an even more remarkable change.
There was less pus, and, it was less virulent,
less offensive...

'Those grape poultices have a miraculous effect,'
here devoted husband exclaimed.

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Om Mani Padme Hum,
Lama Jigme Gyatso: Rime Manipa Tantrika
