Sunday, August 2, 2009

An Easy Path to Fruitarianism

Good morning my friends,
It's day #25 of drinking ONLY pure water and eating ONLY sweet, juicy, fruit.

How did a weak willed headonist,
such as myself,
come to eat a
"Fruit-ONLY diet"?

1st Month: I embraced the easy menu plan of the "Paleo Diet"
while alowing myself 3 "cheat meals" every week
providing that the meals were NO more than 60 minuets.

2nd Month was almost the same as the first.
The only diference was that during the second I
abandoned all caffene, sugar and sugar-substitutes and
made water my ONLY beverage.

The Caffene and sugar withdrawls gave me about
2-3 days of headaches and crankyness.
By day 5 it was all just "rainbows and kittens"!

3rd Month the only change was reducing
my number of "cheat" meals
from 3 to only 2 every week.

4th Month I reduced my
number of "cheat" meals from
2 to only 1 every week.

5th Month I reduced my
number of "cheat" meals from
1 every 7 days down to
only 1 every 14 days.

6th Month I made fresh, raw fruit
my ONLY snack.

7th Month I reduced my
nuber of "cheat" meals from
1 every 14 days down to
only 1 every month.

8th Month For breakfast
I ONLY ate fresh, raw, ripe, sweet fruit.

9th Month For breakfast AND lunch
I ONLY ate fresh, raw, ripe, sweet fruit.

10th Month I ate ONLY fruit and
I drank ONLY water.

I can be reached at:

Om Mani Padme Hum,
Lama Jigme Gyatso: Rime Manipa Tantrika
